SpongeBob SquarePants Patrick Star

Senin, 14 Desember 2009

shortcuts keyboard

CTRL+A = Select All
CTRL+B = Bold
CTRL+C = Copy
CTRL+D = Font
CTRL+E = center
CTRL+F = Start the Find utility
CTRL+G = Go To
CTRL+H = Open the History bar
CTRL+I = Italic
CTRL+J = justify
CTRL+K = Insert Hyperlink
CTRL+L = Open the Open dialog box
CTRL+M = Align Left
CTRL+N = Open a new console
CTRL+O = Open a saved console
CTRL+P = Print the current page or active pane
CTRL+Q = Normal style
CTRL+R = Align Right
CTRL+S = Save the open console
CTRL+T = New tab
CTRL+U = undeline
CTRL+V = paste
CTRL+W = Close the current window
CTRL+X = Cut
CTRL+Y = Redo
CTRL+Z = Undo
CTRL + 1 = Single Spacing
CTRL + 2 = Double Spacing
CTRL + 5 = 1,5 lines
CTRL + ESC = Start Menu

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